In: Vision Boards & Realistic Goals

Truthfully, I’ve never been much of a goal-setting queen, I’m not big on the specifics of it all because the universe and I’s relationship has never worked that way. The universe and I ebb and flow and asking her for X amount of money has simply never worked for me. So, before the beginning of 2025, I sat down and asked myself what I wanted my life to look like in 2025. I immediately took to Pinterest, marking a board “2025 Vision Board,” and got to work. I filled the board with defining mantras, pictures of nature, concerts, female friendships, and so much more we’ll get to in a bit. Yet, it still felt like the Pinterest board wasn’t enough to really get my point across to the universe. I needed to bring this board into the physical realm. 

As any woman would in this kind of predicament, I texted my best friend. “Just had a great idea, what if on NYE we spend some time in the garden and then make vision boards??” She said “Absolutely,” the woman she is. So, NYE we came prepared with glue, poster boards, and a stack of pictures we printed from our respective Pinterest boards. About an hour later we had created the most perfectly curated vision boards I had ever seen in my life. Like truly, fantastic work on our part. 

I lingered with my board for a bit and I started to notice some patterns. For the most part, the board was separated into four categories- my romantic relationship, hobbies, work/money, and friendships. I knew I wanted to develop some kind of system for holding myself accountable in making sure my 2025 reflects my vision for it because while I totally believe in manifesting, I don’t think it exists in a vacuum. You have to put your own energy into what you’re manifesting, otherwise, it’s not yours, it’s the universe’s. And, trust me, she will do with that what she will.

So, I decided to use the categories I noticed as a means to hold myself accountable. Let me break down my process for you; I promise it’s extremely simple. For the rest of the year, every month I will do three things in each category to ensure my life is looking like my vision board. So, I bought a monthly calendar and gave each category a color. When I do something in a category, I draw a star in its given color on the date I did it. I also put my calendar right next to my door, with my vision board above it, so I can always see how many stars I have and how much time in the month I have left to complete my goal. I love this system because it is truly up to me what qualifies as getting a star. My boyfriend and I go to a concert together- star. We watch a movie that’s been on our list- star. I learn something new about him- star. It doesn’t have to be huge events; it can be the little things too, and I love that. This way, I feel like I’m setting realistic, attainable goals that I can feel good about on a daily basis. 

I will leave you with some of my fun goals for 2025-

I want to eat more fruit, be outside often, and spend lots of quality time with my people. 

Write you soon!
