January’s Top 10 Artists

Courtesy of Receiptify, here are my top 10 artists from January and my song of the month from each of them.

10. The Marías

Song of the month: Paranoia

I am genuinely shocked The Marías are not higher on this list. I have been listening to their most recent album, Submarine, nonstop since its release. The psychedelic indie rock sound on this album really does it for me. If you like jazz, soul, and psychedelic influences in your music I think you’ll really like The Marías. 

9. Loving

Song of the month: Only She Knows

Here we go again with another psychedelic band, this time more folky, no one is surprised. I tend to listen to Loving when I’m writing, it’s that kind of folky sound that makes me feel creative. If you enjoy starting your day with a cup of tea on the patio and some good music, queue some Loving and tell me what you think.

8. Men I Trust

Song of the month: Stay True feat. Helena

You know ‘em, you love ‘em, Men I Trust. It is extremely possible that this band will be on this list every month. A spacey female voice is always going to do it for me. I love how publically silent this band is for having over 8 million monthly listeners on Spotify. I recommend this band for moments of laying flat on your back with your eyes closed, preferably outside but also in your kitchen. 

7. Marlon Funaki

Song of the month: When Sunday Comes Around

Another heavy jazz & psychedelic influence with this one. Are we sensing a pattern here yet? This is an artist I really want to see live, and he’s coming to Chicago in April so who wants to go with me? If you’re looking for some storytelling and/or like early Mac DeMarco, throw some Marlon Funaki in your mix. 

6. The Backfires

Song of the month: Replace It All

I saw this band live on Thursday this week and wow, just wow. They do a great job of showing emotion not just in their lyrics and sound, but in the way they perform as well. Watching them was just as fun as listening to them, the singer and guitarist did a great job working the crowd. If you’re looking for a new rock band to listen to, you just found them.

5. Fruit Bats

Song of the month: The Ruminant Band

Another indie folk rock! Shocking! This time, we’ve got some Chicago representation in their singer/songwriter Eric D. Johnson (EDJ), who used to teach at Old Town School of Folk Music. Pretty cool! If I was going on a road trip, The Ruminant Band would most definitely be on the playlist. 

4. Vetiver

Song of the month: Strictly Rule 

I came across Vetiver in late 2023 and have probably listened to them every night since. They’ve also got music with Fruit Bats, Mazzy Star’s Hope Sandoval, and My Bloody Valentine’s former drummer, Colm O’Ciosoig, so if any of those artists interest you, definitely check out Vetiver. 

3. Foxtide

Song of the month: I Didn’t Mean It

Full disclosure, I am wearing a Foxtide hoodie as I type this. I came across this band with my boyfriend maybe two months ago and have not been able to stop listening to them. So when I saw they were coming to Chicago (with The Backfires), I just had to get tickets. Their newest album, Chaos, is incredible and the album cover is just as good, something I really appreciate. On top of that, they were so amazing live, my boyfriend and I were second in line at the merch booth after their set. I’m actually upset that I don't have a car in my walkable city because I can’t listen to this album while driving around with all the windows down. Honorable mention to their song Chaos because that one has been on repeat too. 

2.  Sza

Song of the month: My Turn

Sza released SOS Deluxe: Lana in December, so you already know I was bumping that album the entirety of January. There are no skips on this album; there never was in the first place. And to be so honest, I’m not sure if there is a skip in her entire discography. I’m not even sure who to recommend Sza to because if you’re not already listening to Sza, what are you doing? My Turn altered my brain chemistry, it makes me feel vindicated, so if you need that energy in your life- I prescribe you My Turn by Sza. I prefer to listen to Sza post gardening, purple light on in my room, and feeling introspective as hell. She has music for every mood, but you already knew that. 

1. Beyoncé

Song of the month: Schoolin’ Life

In a similar vein, what is there to even say, it’s Beyoncé. She is my top artist of all time and will most definitely be on this list every month. Schoolin’ Life got me through every finals week in college, so it’s no surprise it got me through January because this month was 100 days long. For what??? Anyway, I was also deeply into listening to Cowboy Carter this month in preparation for her big announcement (I don’t want to talk about it)** and the upcoming Grammys. I swear if she doesn’t win album of the year, Grammy’s, you will be hearing from my lawyers.

**Beyoncé dropped the news of her Cowboy Carter Tour last night (after I wrote this), huge news for Beyoncé stans everywhere. I am already shopping for my outfit, so I WILL be at that show. Stay tuned for a concert review, just know that woman can do no wrong by Beth Xanthopoulos.

And that’s a wrap on my top 10 artists from January! Looking back on the last month in music, these really are some of my favorite artists and bands, but there are a few I expected to see and didn’t, so I’m curious to see who stays, who gets the boot, and who appears in February. What do you think? Let me know your top artists of the month & if you listened to any of mine on @bits.and.beths on Instagram!

Write you soon!

Beth <3


I am wearing my Reneigh shirt today, manifesting that AOTY win for Beyoncé, FINALLY.


A Grammys for the Girls


Etta James in Her Words, and Mine